What’s going on with the Unreal water system?

Hey, it’s been a while since we haven’t got any news or updates about the 4.26 water system.
Does anyone have information I missed?

The team behind it seemed to have their hands full with its development with a lot of features on the go, like larger world support, more flexibility of the plugin.

Time goes and the plugin is at the same state as it was back in December 2020.

It’s even more concerning as the plugin was kind of shipped hastily. Messy folders, no proper example scene with tweaked/polished settings, the water itself having a clipping artefact issue where the top of waves are getting disconnected…

It’s a bit of a disappointment for me and I hope they didn’t give up the development of it. I think it’s a great project and we miss a good stylized water shader with great features on the marketplace.

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I agree it is a shame.
Judging from the current UE roadmap items nothing is going to happen to it in the foreseeable future.

Since we aren’t recommended to use experimental plugins, what would be an alternative way of implementing water / ocean?

Creating a shader is one thing, but another is actually making use of it with a material in your level. Do you manually create a / multiple polygon planes surrounding your landscape / meshes and make sure they have a certain quad / vertex density?
Any best practice / advice / resources on the topic would be highly appreciated.