It’s now 2018 and new standards are going to be coming out for game development. I’m curious what the recommendation would be for a visually pleasing game that, one, will be released on PC and possibly ported to PS4 later, and two, this type of game is heavily story based, the style of which could be compared to Uncharted 4, but with some open world sequences in it. (Basically a really long and big game involving puzzles.) Now, obviously, a single indie developer isn’t going to make another Uncharted game, but I’m just using that game as an example as to how important the storytelling is in the game and the immersion I want to attempt while progressing through the story.
(I also would like to add that the game has a painted art style.)
For all of the above, what would the recommended resolution?
PC players will play in their monitor’s native resolution 99% of time - 76% of which game in 1920x1080, according to the December 2017’s Steam hardware survey.
It’s not really a question of software choice in majority of cases. Suffice to say, you need to support a range of resolutions, ideally including the more and more popular 21:9 aspect ratios. This is, kind of, supported out of the box for you. You may need solid interface scaling system for 4k. I believe it’s safe to leave 480p behind, though.
Modern consoles support Dynamic Resolution Scaling where the resolution is adjusted gradually (it’s a granular process, too) depending on the workload in order to maintain target framerate. It’s pretty magical from a technical point of view.
I was asking this because I’m trying to choose a texel ratio for my game, so I needed an idea of a high standard resolution that would fit the kind of game I’m developing. I didn’t know whether or not 4K would be too ambitious for an open world (of course with the ability to scale down), but I did want to attempt it. Thanks for your help!