Currently I use windows 10 I was wandering what the general opinion on the subject was…
In my opinion, the right answer will depend on a couple of factors.
- Which platforms are you targeting?
- Which other tools do you need to use to make assets for your game?
- In which OS are you most comfortable with?
If you are building a game specifically for Apple’s App Store, then you will need a Mac to do so. If you need to target Linux you will probably want to test your game in a machine with that OS.
Now, also in my particular opinion and experience, Windows has the best development experience when using UE4. It is nicely integrated with Visual Studio and several asset building tools only work on Windows as well. It should be clear that Epic and the community is doing a ton of work to make Unreal an OS independent tool, but at the end, it all comes down to your personal preferences and needs.
Thank you!!