Scratching my head on this one… I’ve got some montages with root motion enabled. Some of them work perfectly. Others, however, apply less force to the character than they should.
For example, I have a dodge roll root motion animation that covers 500 units from beginning to end. If I open it in the animation editor and uncheck ‘EnableRootMotion’ the character moves exactly as expected. However, when I recheck ‘EnableRootMotion’ in the animation and use the montage in game, my character only moves about 200 units. I’m pretty confused by this because it’s clearly moving the character but almost seems like the velocity is being limited by something.
What could possibly cause that? Any suggestions are welcomed, thanks.
Well with out seeing how the project files are configured a couple of guesses could be made as to the base behaviour of a root motion animation.
In general root motion controls movement behaviour directly from the animation data and not in a similar manner as inplace animation which requires the use of a movement component as part of the character blueprint which tracks the in world movement of the player capsule. The two are not compatible unless if the root motion is used along with Montage. In this configuration the ease in/out can change the number of unites covered by the root motion as as to the degree of the easement which is based on the ease values.
A good example where ease can create timing problems is say the values are set to high on say an attack animation that uses a 10 frame sequence because the ease value are to high the animation will twitch as the blend might only be taking place over 2 frames. You can test to see if ease is to high is to set ease in/out to zero. You can also try changing the rate as the duration may also be cut off.