What make the character turn in the top down template?


I’m trying to make an arpg style game, i just got started (with this project and ue4 in general) and already hit a wall, i did setup my character movement using the top down template as an example, the character was moving in the intended way and the animation is playing accordingly but the charater is not turning around. I did look everywhere in the top down template and didn’t manage to find what control the charater rotation. I know I could just use the template, but now I need to understand what I’m doing wrong.

follows the blueprint that controlls the movement

Thanks in advance.

PS: Sorry the bad english(and being a noob).

This is certainly a simple configuration on the character blueprint (the problem is finding out which configuration is it, because there are so many!).

Try turning on the variable Use controller desired rotation in the character movement component inside the character blueprint. The idea is that we should let the Controller (the one who is responsible for the nav mesh walking movements) decide where to face. (Note that the tooltip asks us to make sure Use Controller Rotation Yaw is off - inside the Class Defaults in the Character Blueprint).

Let me know if it solves the problem!

Abraços! :slight_smile:

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i fixed it, the answer you gave me wasan’t the right config, but was the one exactly under it


But there is so many options that i would never have found it.

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