Hi there!
I’ve been doing some research on source control platforms over the last week, but I’m still a little unsure which one to dive into. I’m preferably looking for something secure, private, and scalable. I would just use GitHub, as I’ve done in the past, but I know that security isn’t one of its strong suits. The project will be moving into proper production in the near future, with potentially 5-15 devs working on it over the course of the next year, so I’m certainly looking for something that meets the criteria above. I’ve looked at Perforce (which has a free plan for up to 5 devs) and Plastic SCM (looks pretty good, but I know it might be better suited for Unity projects) mostly, but I’m curious to hear what the dev community here usually uses, or if you know which platform other indie UE4 teams use.
Thanks so much!