what is this error UE 5.2

LogClass: Warning: Property ArrayProperty UPresetSettingsProperties::ActivePresetCollectionsPaths defines MetaData key “MetaClass” which contains short type name “InteractiveToolsPresetCollectionAsset”. Suggested pathname: “/Script/PresetAsset.InteractiveToolsPresetCollectionAsset”. Module:ModelingToolsEditorMode File:Public/ModelingToolsEditorModeToolkit.h
LogAutomationTest: Warning: LogClass: Property ArrayProperty UPresetSettingsProperties::ActivePresetCollectionsPaths defines MetaData key “MetaClass” which contains short type name “InteractiveToolsPresetCollectionAsset”. Suggested pathname: “/Script/PresetAsset.InteractiveToolsPresetCollectionAsset”. Module:ModelingToolsEditorMode File:Public/ModelingToolsEditorModeToolkit.h
PackagingResults: Error: Unknown Error

Once I had an unused Blueprint with a compile error, and that caused the packaging to fail with an ‘unknown error’. According to the path name there could be an issue with the modeling tools, but I could be totally wrong. ‘Error: Unknown Error’

I always like that clear log descriptions. :nerd_face: