What is this Called?

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Hello everyone, Can someone tell me how to add the player character head next to the stats !
Or atleast what is it called because i tried looking for Character HUD Head Display or such and i didnt find anything

You would do this with widgets. Right click the content folder in the content broweser and make a new folder, name it UI, or whatever you like. Click that folder, now on the right side there shoud be a blank area you can start adding thing to, like blueprints and such. Right click and go to user interface, click widget blueprints.

This is where you would do all the UI stuff, like the health bar, player image, main menu, how the inventory look like, ect. It’s not as simple as you would want it, but it’s also not very complex to understand.

Your best bet is to google for tutorials / visit the learning tab on the left. You can also go to Udemy or Teachable, however, tutorials there cost money.

Youtube is extreamly good for learning material.

You should also make a new favorites tab / youtube playlist(s) for everything you find helpful, even if it’s not helpful now, you can go back to it and learn from it.

Take care.

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Thank you for the Reply, I finished My UI already and everything is perfect.
My game is already 30% done.

My issue is only the Character Head Display, Next to the health bar and Mana Bar.
I only have that left for the UI

Hey @BootaMan!

You can add your portrait to your character in one of two ways. You can either use an image of your character that you would add on to your widget, or you can overlay a view of the 3d model into onto the UI and adjust as needed.

Here is a Non-Epic affiliated video that give a good example of how to do so:

[UE4] Overlay 3D Components Inside a Widget

I hope the above solution works for you!

I dont think spawning a character would update what exactly that person is having as in equipment, it will display the basic character mesh and not what the character is currently wearing or the sword they have on them right now !

if you wish to show the actual player character as Avatar Widget in your HUD, i would recommend a Custom Death Buffer to mask out the Characters head with a second camera, that just films the characters head.

How to create Custom Depth Buffer