What is the "Use new Mip filter" option in the Property Matrix ?

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to gather as much information as I can on optimizing textures, streaming pool size, VRAM usage, performance… I was bulk editing some textures in the property matrix when I saw this option :

The quick description doesn’t explain much and I looked everywhere to find some information on this option, but literally cannot find ANYTHING.

After turning it on it requires a restart and it recompiles all shaders (takes a while). I’m guessing “newer & faster” is a good thing but then why is this not turned on by default ?

Also it’s quite difficult to test the impact of this option. Honestly no idea if it’s useful or not.

Does anybody has any info on this ? :nerd_face:

you can test the diffence yourself. import the same texture twice. once with the old filter and once with the new one. then switch the texture lod to a lower resolution and you’ll see the differences and can judge if it’s worth to use for your content.