In my research to see what kinds of training is available for UE5, I came across this page:
And there is an extensive list of courses, each with a ‘view course’ link. Unfortunately, the link just takes you to a page with a description of the course. There’s no information on where to find this course or who is offering it, or just any other information at all.
The description for many of the courses is phrased like “YOU will be able to learn the foundations…” and “in this course YOU will learn…” so it seems like there’s supposed to be some kind of learning content here, but there’s nothing there besides the description.
So my question is, what is the purpose of this page? Is it to show what courses training companies have to offer in order to be a verified connector? Or is there something I’m missing? It’s confusing and there’s no explanation of what this area of the website is supposed to be or who it’s supposed to be for.
If someone could clarify for me, it would be greatly appreciated. I love the attention to detail on this course list and would like to find out how to learn the things shown there.