As far as I know, there isn’t a way to teleport players between the main island (level) and another level. Nor a way to place an entire level into an island.
So one use case for multiple levels in the same project is to test the functionality you’re working on in isolation.
You’re right, we don’t currently have the ability to transfer players between levels, unfortunately. I personally hope we see this introduced sooner than later, but the roadmap that was shared during the State of Unreal talks makes me think it might be a while (possibly 1-2 years) and I am really, really disappointed that this critical feature (for some games) is not being prioritized higher.
FYI: There is a Level Instance and Level Loader device, and an API to work with them, but they’re not available in UEFN and they’re not actually levels but subsets of levels that can be captured inside of a volume and subsequently loaded inside of a level, so the given names are technically misnomers.
Let’s say I create a building with devices, including custom verse devices. Can I save it as a package and load it at a different project/level? (similarly to prefabs)
You can create what is called a playset from a level. In the World Settings for a level, select “Is Playset” and select the type “Prefab.”
I think the only way to work with these is at edit time, though, not at runtime.
I’m afraid there’s just no way to load levels right now, but there probably will be in the near future.
Did we get that fixed ?