I can’t find any examples, so i don’t understand what this function does. It accepts “Curve Table” type input, but i can’t find any info about what Curve Table actually is. I understand the other two Data Table functions, but this one is a mystery for me
probably curve tables can be created from C++, found on this page Driving Gameplay with Data from Excel - Unreal Engine DRIVING GAMEPLAY WITH DATA FROM EXCEL and not so long ago saw few docs that can explain what, how and for these curve tables (don’t sure it’s actually curve, maybe just confusing name) Data Driven Gameplay Elements in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
so if you still want make something and don’t know how, best ideas is describe how should look your final result or for what you need it and maybe there’s more simple way would be written to achieve same visual result
p.s. don’t forget mark question as answered when problem solved, so anyone else later can have same question and may find solution faster, if you find solution on your own, don’t forget write it too
Ah, I’ve somehow missed the “Data Curves” line in this doc, thanks! So basically it’s a Data Table, but works only with float values, to show changes of a value along with progression on ‘X-axis’. The thing is, we can’t create Curve Table object without C++, so “Evaluate Curve Table Row” function is useless in pure blueprint projects.
interesting, then “curve table” really confusing name in this case
p.s. don’t forget mark question as answered with little gray circle button under any answer (not comment, but whole answer) when problem solved, so anyone else later can have same question and may find solution faster, if you find solution on your own, don’t forget write it too
You can make Curve Tables from the editor by adding a csv file to your content folder. The editor will prompt you to import a new asset and you select to import the data as a curve table.