Obviously not if I am posting this here, but I need help. I basically want to un-pause the game using the same key to close the widget. I noticed A LOT of other people have the same issue, and I’m just as much a newbie. I have a screen shot of my setup for the menu from the ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint. Kept it simple as possible to try some things, I tried setting the input to UI only, Game Mode only but the menu remains, it won’t close. Is the order of the nodes wrong? Am I even using the right node(s)? Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
When you set the game as paused, input events (by default) are no longer processed. Here are two ways you could counteract this:
- Click on the “M” input event and tick Execute on Paused. This way the flipflop works correctly and you can unpause when you press M again. If you do this, make sure to set input mode as Game and UI instead of just UI.
- In your In Game Menu widget, add a button to unpause the game. You may wish to set Show Mouse Curser to true when you make the widget so you can see what’s going on.
Also, can you please move the “CreateInGameMenuWidget” and the “Set” behind of a IsValid? node.