What is the opposite of the Get Direction Vector node?

Instead of getting the direction of 2 points in space I like to get 2 points in space by providing the direction. How could I do that in Blueprint?

What I’m trying to do is to rotate a vector and then get A and B positions of that vector. Well, I know position A but need to get the new B after I rotated the vector.

A and B two points, V a vector:

A - B = VectorBA

A + V = Translation of A by V

A - V = Translation of A by -V

I think you want

B = A + V

If you want a Rotation use RotateAngleAxis Node

FirstParam: YourAngle
SecondParam: The Normal of the plan defined by your rotation

If your game is in the plan XY, then your Normal is FVector(0,0,1) → Z-Axis

Yea, makes sense, got pretty confused here. It is working now, I just can’t get it to rotate my vector by a given rotator.

You can get rotation by FVector::Rotation ()

SetActorRotation ((TargetLocation - StartLocation).Rotation ())