that looks like a variable set node with a variable name of usable object.
ok care to elaborate on that?
its still a variable named usable object, but now we know its located in the class mycharacter.
ok, how I can create a new one, i’m copy/paste from youtube tutorial and he never talks about it.
anyone? can help me to rebuild this slot?
I think it was answered - it’s a variable named “usable object.”
Create a variable, set its type.
Drag it into the blueprint and select SET.
Not sure you can elaborate on that much more without going over the complete basics, which I think there are many tutorials on youtube.
if I will use the variable, it will be without the target, but in question, I attached it with the target
- drag the variable onto the blueprint, let go, and click set
- right click and search for 'set useable object` (or whatever the variable name is)
drag out the target pin and, from the context menu, select ‘set usable object’
open your mycharacter bp class and create the variable there by clicking the + icon next to where it says variable. then back in your mounted mg bp drag off the return pin of the cast and search for the variable you created. the reason for the target pin on the set node is because the variable is not local meaning it exists in a separate bp.
Thank you so much for that explanation, that so nice from you when you share some experience here, by the way, I can’t find why I should have that variable in my character BP [usable object]. the guy from youtube he never explains that for what/why. I find other BP that will work in the same result, It a collision box that will show a text when your character inside the box and the text will be invisible if your character leaves the box. I’m trying to make a Mounted Cannon from this video, it’s hard to find any other tutorials that can show the whole BP
like this UE4 Mounted Machine Gun - YouTube but I’m trying to do my best.
Thanks to all of you.
How I can mark this question has been answered?