What is the most efficient method on saving texts for my text based game?

I tried using structures and making string arrays inside of them to store all the writing. But it is such an ineffective and tedious method. It would be hard for me to find and edit anything when I will have hundreds of pages of texts written.

How can I store long text-blocks, and efficiently find them later when I need to?

Also, a dummie question but, what is the exact difference between text and string?

Use a Data Table. You can even write your text in a spreadsheet outside of the engine and import it. Or write / edit in the engine and export it.

So far from a dummie question!

Name vs Text vs String.

Also, have a look at the Maketplace - there are plugins that handle game text / branching dialogues, some are even node based. Perhaps you can find something that catches your attention.

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Thanks for your reply!

So, I think it be more efficient if I use “text” for storing narrative. Thank you :slight_smile:

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Widgets, that I am assuming you’re using for display, all use text; so yes, it’s quite natural to do so. Also, these exist:

And work directly with Data Tables, too. Not sure if relevant for a text based game you’re making, but since it would be the primary method of communicating with the player, having the ability to give the text extra meaning may be crucial:


How can I store long text-blocks, and efficiently find them later when I need to?

I imported a dictionary once with some 600000 entries. :sunglasses:

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