Hi, I am searching for the the most appropriate slate widget for the following function
I want to write the score on the screen and surround it by a box.
i.e. the score board.
I want to know what is the most appropriate slate widget to do the job.
SButton allows be to do so. But I don’t need any functionality of the button clicks.
For now, I am sticking with a SBorder with a STextBlock inside it. But I think I might have trouble with adjusting the size of the image to the font etc.
STextBlock inside SBorder should do the trick but if you’re really concerned about sizing your widget you can do one of the following:
Create your own widget deriving SCompoundWidget, put STextBlock in it and override ComputeDesiredSize function. This function allows you control exact size of your widget.
Put SBox inside your SBorder and use Height/WidthOverride variables to control widget size. So your widget hierarchy would look like this: