what is the mistake that i have done here ?

hello there iam new to unreal engine 5 and the whole game development in general.
so i decided to take my first course on udemy which is this course :

in the course you are required to create a platform on which the character can stand on and then fall after a couple of seconds and in order to do that you are required to make a collision to the object since the object in default doesnot have any collision then the instructor told me you must make a trigger box so the action can be successfully done without any problems so i did that and i wrote the same blueprints as he said in the course but suprisingly the platform didnt fall and nothing happened to illustrate more here are the pics :

and here are the blueprints that he said i should make :

my question here is there anything wrong i have done here ? and sorry for the long intro .

There could be several reasons why it’s not functioning as expected. Understanding the InterpToMovement Component is crucial to diagnosing the issue. Your initial step should involve debugging. You have a couple of options:

  1. Place a Print String node after your collision or set a debugger breakpoint on the Delay node to confirm whether your collision event triggers properly. If it doesn’t, check the collision settings on the Box component. Ensure that “Fire Events When Overlapping” (or a similar option) is enabled and that its collision profile permits interaction with the Player (Pawn).

  2. If the event does trigger, inspect the InterpToComponent. Manually set its Target location to a significantly large random vector to observe its behavior. Additionally, experiment by setting Simulate to false to ensure your object operates as Kinematic.

These steps should provide insight into the issue. Good luck with your troubleshooting!

Could you inspect this bit of your actor…


…versus what’s in the course? See if it’s different. Other than that, you never explained what is not working. Do elaborate if in doubt.