What is the minimum size one can achieve for android APK?

When deploying for android, even the smallest game I compiled has a minimum size of ~60MB. Can it be further decreased? Can I deactivate parts of the engine besides plugins?

I want to use only UMG and Paper2D. Have tested every build configuration and selected only ETC1, etc (besides that my content folder is very small). It seems there is a minimum size I can not further decrease.

Is there any chance of making UE4 more modular for mobile?

Is a shame that these questions are never answered :frowning:
I’m also looking for solutions in this silent subject.

After a few days researching and testing the lower I could get is 37mb using UMG and Paper2D in 4.6.1.

Follor these answer instructions: Why are android file sizes so big? - Mobile - Unreal Engine Forums

Also check your level references: Right Click over your map asset → Reference Viewer. And try to find any referenced resources that you don’t really need. I deleted PostProcessingVolume cube that save me around 2mb because of referenced big size texture.

Please see the official documentation in this thread:

Hi Wittlief, with 4.9.0 the apk size has incressed, and some of the reason is a “libvrapi.so” included in the apk that most app don’t need being VR stuff… how can we get rid of it? Q: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/296932/apk-grows-in-49-and-hwo-to-get-rid-of-vr-plugins.html

What is the smallest apk size you get for a blank project ?

I created a new blank project and packed it for etc1 and it was somewhere like 50mb