in the tutorial batterycollector , that girl write this
UPROPERTY(VisibleAnywhere,BlueprintReadOnly,Category = “PickupMesh”,meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = “true”))
looks like this is all the valid meta propertis?
where is this “AllowPrivateAccess” come from? even not found it in any very offical document
In \Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\UObject\ObjectMacros.h you will find a number of enums which define the various parameters to the UE4 macros (UCLASS, USTRUCT, UPROPERTY etc). I think the first super good info starts at namespace UC (the values you can pass to a UCLASS macro), but keep scrolling down to namespace UM for the metadata related definitions.
Another place to look is in the FBlueprintMetadata struct which is defined in \Engine\Source\Editor\BlueprintGraph\Classes\EdGraphSchema_K2.h. These are variable names such as “MD_ChildCanTick” but as you might deduce, the Meta value would be “ChildCanTick” which is defined in the associated cpp file.