I’ve calibrated the camera according to the following document, and made sure CG checkerboard and real checkerboard overlapped exactly.
In this tutorial, Pressing the “Apply To Calibrator” button moves the CG checkerboard position to match the real checkerboard, but I want to move the Cine Camera Actor position.
I tried pressing the “Apply To Camera Parent” button expecting the Cine Camera Actor would move, but got “Camera Parent not found” error message.
Could you please tell me how to move the Cine Camera Actor posiiton relative to the CG checkerboard?
If your camera is parented to another object then it sets the transform of that object instead of the camera. I’ve used this for doing Aruco alignment. I have the camera parented to an empty actor (I use it as stage origin and tracking origin), then when aligning to the Aruco, I apply to camera parent. It works great for quick alignment on stage.
Thanks to your advice, I’ve successfully apply the calibration data to the Cine Camera Actor !
And I’m using unreal 5.0.2
Hi, I have tried the “Apply To Camera Parent” but the result is so wrong, the camera go crazy, do you have any idea?
Sorry, I’m using Unreal4.27 and I’ve never used Unreal5 ;(
Hi, I try to use ARUCO to calibrate the position of the LED walls but the result is wrong.The position of Ndisplay will be moved to a very wrong position. Do you have any idea? Thank you.
(if you are using green screen)
these videos will help you to understand the process.
parent the Tacked camera to an empty actor and set the positionof camera to (0,0,0)
this empty actor will be an tracking origin
and parent the empty actor toyour ndisplay origin and position the empty actor to (0,0,0)
or if you are using greenscreen stage just position it to you virtual stage’s origin.
after that if you press the apply to camera parent button, your tracking origin(the empty actor)'s position will be adjusted matching virtual set
if you are using VIVE VR it’s good to reset your room setup with your preference