What is the logic behind ranking score?

Im probably making this more difficult than it is.I need to understand the logic/simple order of doings of having a top score.I am using this kismet script to save the score when i finish a level.:

So… I am killing a bunch of enemies, and the int values are converted to strings so that i can see the score while i play.>Also with each enemy death I am saving the int value (it just adds to it self) >>The level ends and I save the total int value which is my final score.So its a bin file called ‘‘score LV1’’ and it is saved.

I return to my menu, i see the score I go back to play the same level and the score I make now is added to the save of the first time I played instead of generating a new score and keeping the old one for compare.I know it is my fault as obviously level one is only generating ONE save only with its designated name.

What do I have to do? I dont think I can generate a unique save name each time I play the level and after that compare the scores in order to have them at first and last place.
Or i can continue to have one and only save in level one, but before it makes the final save, i have to transfer that score to another name save and save that??

My head hurts.Please, simple words on how to do it in the correct order .:eek:

Here is a simple example of shooting at something,generating its score and save it with each shot to a final file ,and after that, loading the file so that i can see it in my menu level.(Just bits and pieces as i don’t think the rest was important)

Wish I could help you with the kismet solution but I really can’t, I’ve never used kismet like that.

You can have the code I used for a simple scoreboard made in unrealscript if it helps.

class UDNScoreboardLocal extends Actor;

var float scoremultiplier;
var UDNGame game;
var UDNScoreboardLocalObj saveobj;
var string all_replays_text; // for menu view
var UDNReplay rep, rep2;
var int ts1, ts2;
var array<string> names;
var array<int> timestamps;

function InitScoreboard()


function int get_ts(string name)
    local int i;

    for(i=0; i<names.length; i++)
        if(names* == name)
            return timestamps*;

function int cmp(string a, string b)
    ts1 = get_ts(a);
    ts2 = get_ts(b);

    if(ts1 < ts2)
        return -1;
        return 0;

function DisplayScores(int start_from, int game_mode)
    local int i, k, next_exists, previous_exists;
    k = 0;
    all_replays_text = "";
    saveobj = new class'UDNScoreboardLocalObj';

    `log("LOAD: " $ start_from);


    if(start_from &gt; 0)
        previous_exists = 1;

    for(i=0; i&lt;saveobj.scores.length; i++)
        if(saveobj.scores*.mode == game_mode)
            if(k &gt;= start_from)
                if(k &gt;= 13)
                    next_exists = 1;
                    all_replays_text $= saveobj.scores*.name $ "," $ (k+1) $ "," $ saveobj.scores*.score $ "," $ saveobj.scores*.tech $ "," $ saveobj.scores*.level_reached $ "," $ saveobj.scores*.level_route $ "," $ saveobj.scores*.date $ "," $ saveobj.scores*.filename $ "," $ saveobj.scores*.mode;                
                    all_replays_text $= ";";


    all_replays_text = Left(all_replays_text, Len(all_replays_text)-1);
    all_replays_text $= "#" $ previous_exists $ ";" $ next_exists;

    `log("full score text: " $ all_replays_text);

function AddScore(string replay_filename, string date, string id, string name, int score, int tech, int grazes, int kills, int mode, int level_reached, string level_route, int multiplayer, int ghost_mode_used)
    saveobj = new class'UDNScoreboardLocalObj';


    saveobj.tempscore.id = id;
    saveobj.tempscore.name = name;
    saveobj.tempscore.filename = replay_filename;
    saveobj.tempscore.level_route = level_route;
    saveobj.tempscore.date = date;
    saveobj.tempscore.score = score;
    saveobj.tempscore.tech = tech;
    saveobj.tempscore.grazes = grazes;
    saveobj.tempscore.kills = kills;
    saveobj.tempscore.mode = mode;
    saveobj.tempscore.level_reached = level_reached;
    saveobj.tempscore.multiplayer = multiplayer;



function SaveScores()
    class'Engine'.static.BasicSaveObject(saveobj, "Scoreboard.s", true, 1);

function LoadScores()
    class'Engine'.static.BasicLoadObject(saveobj, "Scoreboard.s", true, 1);

class UDNScoreboardLocalObj extends Object;

struct score
    var string id, name, filename, level_route, date;
    var int score, tech, grazes, kills, mode, level_reached, multiplayer, ghost_mode_used, timestamp;

var array<score> scores;
var score tempscore;

function int sort_scores(score a, score b)
    if(a.score < b.score)
        return -1;
        return 0;

function Sort()