I am prototyping a hover ship racing game and have a question about how to organize my Ship (Pawn Blueprint) which is under the control of a Player Controller Blueprint.
I plan for the Ship BP to contain a static mesh (physics enabled) as the root component. This static mesh will be targeted by Player Controller BP. Also, the static mesh will contain the actual ship skeletal mesh, which is composed of a ship body and a fin/rudder (to be animated).
The plan is for the ship to race on track composed of a spline with a mesh surface which will curve and twist.
(1) Can you give feedback on whether this is a good BP design?
(2) What is the best way to hide the static mesh parent component (red cube)?
I like the design and can’t see anything wrong with doing it that way. Using a spline is a great idea to make things more constraint within the race.
You could simply use the node Set Visibility.
The New Visibility allows you to toggle the visibility on or off.
The Propagate to Children will make all children of Red Box change their visibility as well.
@TheCosmicAC0 If this is an acceptable answer, please consider marking it as solved.
Thanks for the replies. Regarding (2), this is a great solution but as an alternative would it be even better to have the root be a Static Mesh Component but leave the actual mesh as None (example screenshot included)? Or, would this create an unintended problem such as physics not working on the component?