What is the future of Bridge's access to Megascans after Fab launch?

I understand that Fab and Quixel are two completely separate marketplaces, and that the assets that I “purchased” via my free access as an Unreal Engine developer probably won’t migrate over to Fab, and that I’ll have to “purchase” them again on Fab if I want access to them via Fab.

My question is about Bridge’s long-term access to the Megascans library once Fab is launched. It has been stated that we’ll be able to access our “purchased” assets through Bridge or Quixel’s website “for the foreseeable future”. But that sounds like access via Bridge can/will end at some point. It sounds like “purchases” through Bridge won’t be possible once Fab launches, and at that point Bridge will just be used to access any assets that we’ve already “purchased”…any future purchases will be done through Fab.

For clarity, I’m not asking whether we’ll be able to continue to “purchase” Megascans assets through Bridge after Fab launches; it seems pretty clear that Epic wants everyone to use Fab at that point (totally understandable). I am only concerned about the long-term accessibility of the assets that I’ve “purchased” through Bridge via my free UE developer access.

I would like to thank Epic for giving me access to such incredibly high-quality assets for such a long period of time. I know that a lot of people are sad that we’re losing free access to the Megascans library, but I never felt entitled to this access. So, thank you Epic, your generosity was not lost on me. However, I won’t lie to you, I am currently going into Bridge and “purchasing” as many assets as possible before Fab’s launch (I want to grab them all, to be completely honest, but I refuse to use one of the scripts that is floating around the Internet. That seems like it would be violating the TOS). When we received free access to the entire Megascans library, it totally changed the way that I thought of designing a game and opened up possibilities that I couldn’t achieve on my own. All of my plans include access to these high-quality assets, so now I really have to grab as much as I can get. I will also go onto Fab and get as much as possible through that marketplace as well (greedy of me, I know, but I can’t lose access to these assets…as I said, all of my plans depend on it). This is really the heart of my motives in asking this question. I like the idea of using Bridge to organize my assets. Not just the assets through Megascans, but also the assets that I’ve created myself. So, I am actually concerned about the future of Bridge in general, as well as it’s access to Megascans.

Any light that can be shed on this question would be great.

Edit: changed the question’s title for clarity.

I have to reply to my question, because I don’t seem to be able to edit it a second time (is this a forum trust-level issue? I haven’t posted much on the forum).

Anyway, I wanted to amend my question by stating that I did read the Sept. 17 announcement for Fab, where it states “We’ll eventually discontinue hosting Quixel content on Quixel.com and the Bridge app, and we’ll provide advance notice when that time approaches.

So, I’m aware that eventually, Bridge and Quixel.com will no longer be hosted and our access through these portals will come to an end. My question really is more about the timeframe that Bridge will be able to access Megascans.

When I posted this question, I knew that this is a legal question that Epic may not want to answer (and probably wouldn’t answer). I will just assume that I need to buy redundant, large-format storage and download these assets through Bridge ASAP…even though I do still want to grab them on Fab for long-term access.

Into 2025 - we’ll let you know more before we make any big changes. We’ve put together this FAQ to help answer some questions - https://support.fab.com/s/article/Fab-Transition-FAQs

Please take a look and let me know if you have additional questions.

:blue_heart: Thanks for being a part of the Quixel community

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Hi Abby, Seems like FAB will not continue hosting the megascan library and that anything will have to be saved locally to keep.

Once its all sunset and FAB no longer hosts it, is it still tied to that license?

IE if I save all the data Under an Indie license i can not Host and distribute it for free after it is gone?

Hi @NightRaven1099 . Not quite. Your past acquisitions will continue to live on Quixel.com and Bridge until those tools are retired. The Megascans library will live on on Fab and you can get new Megascans there once Fab launches. Here’s the full FAQ: https://support.fab.com/s/article/Fab-Transition-FAQs

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Wish I had known that Epic wasn’t going to let me migrate all the free Megascans I had claimed in Quixel Bridge over to my Fab account so that I could use them forever. I’m pretty sure it was communicated that way when you first announced FAB, when many of us did the whole pointless exercise of rushing to claim them all at once on Quixel. We actually needed to claim them on Fab, and now you’ll happily keep updating and improving them for everyone for all time. Guess I missed that memo, thought I was good since I had claimed them on Quixel.

You’ve stated that you’re going to discontinue hosting Quixel content on Quixel and the Bridge app, and I see no way to transfer them to FAB now, unless you know differently.

I feel like the captain of the Titanic, with my doomed boatload of Megascans, lol.