What is the fastet way to bring 3Ds scene to UE4?

Hello. I want to ask for Your help.

I have scene with building in 3ds . Various objects with various materials with various textures in it :slight_smile: What is the fastest way to move it to UE4 ?

I can attach multiple object and export it in FBX format. Then I can import this FBX into UE4 and I will have white object with multiple places for materials. But here is problem - materials.

In that way I can only import objects and empty materials without any textures. Next I will have to manually import all textures from scene, and manually place them in corresponding materials.

Can I do it faster or better ? Or this is the only way to “transfer” scene to UE4 ?

Thanks in advance and Cheers ! :slight_smile:

You have to make sure that you meshes are uv mapped + that your texture is in the right file format (png, tga, jpg,…) + that you include the texture in the fbx export. After that import it and enable “import textures” + “import material”. Now you should have materials with textures.

But I personally always import the textures manually as you still have to do some modifications in your material -> otherwise you wont get a good result :wink:
Depending on the scene you can export the meshes as large parts -> otherwise split them up into smaller parts so that you can use LOD’s + culling

Also, make sure your materials are using the Standard material type, other types of materials are not supported.

Thank You very much, now I understand. But I have one additional question that I am afraid to ask :stuck_out_tongue:

What if my 3ds scene has Multi/Sub-Object Material with … various VRay material which contain diffuse + some VRayColorCorrection and other VRay “stuff” ?

Can I somehow “convert” it, or export in some way that UE4 will get textures from it ?

Some software has a bake option, that renders out materials that you build so that it creates a texture and material that can be exported, but I don’t know of a one to one transfer for materials.

What I’ve found is that if I assign simple things, normal map, opacity, spec, color to my models (Maya) and export, then Unreal sets all those connections up for me on import which is helpful.

I usually manually transfer my textures in the form of PNG (because PNG will also save out the opacity ) and put those in a folder with my models. I keep things pretty organized. So if my overall model is a Castle, then I make a corresponding castle folder in the UE4 project setup and manually transfer my textures here, and then export my model.fbx to this folder as well.

Overall though with any large models there are other considerations that are going to be more complex than the materials you want to send.

1 ) Is the model divided in a way that it will maintain some UV lightMap resolution? If you create too big a model your getting down to mere pixels for whole areas.

2 ) How are you setting up collisions? If this model is a model that is a house, with two floors and an interior the collisions have to be manually set up in your modeler. I generally do this with boxes, that do NOT intersect, (leave a little gap).

3 ) When importing, because you used multiple boxes as colliders for your model make sure when you import you turn off the following :

 - Autogenerate Collision  (this you set up for complex objects so you need UE4 to look at yours)  
 -  One Convex Hull Per UCX  (this is very important that it be OFF.   Because it will smash your UCX.   

4 ) When exporting your model the UCX is super important. IF you have a model with twenty colliders in them they need to be merged into one model (still making sure none of them intersect) and then if the model is named myHOUSE.fbx export your model and the colliders together, so that the colliders will be called UCX_myHOUSE. It will be in the same file myHOUSE.fbx of course so it will be read in together during import into UE4.

There is a real juggling act between bigger models and more modular models. It’s nice to have modular parts to build things within UE4, and there is a temptation for people to export whole buildings as one unit. However to me modular objects are far easier to deal with. Just visually trying to model the colliders on a project that is big is a problem, not to mention the lightMap UVs will be very problematic.

Finally, my advice is to create textures you like in Photoshop and build a good library of textures rather than trying to create that kind of thing in the modeler and hope that it transfers. You can do a lot of material editing in UE4, but to me, nothing beats a good texture library to cut down on speed of game playback.

You can use Multi/Sub-Object material, but you still have to use Standard materials within that, it will not support Vray materials.

Once again, Thank You for helping me :slight_smile:

Cheers !

If you’re wanting to transfer the whole scene as is, take a look at JBaldwin’s UE4 level constructor maxscript: ://www.jeremybaldwin3d/#!code/c1mn9