What is the fastest way to learn bluprints in unreal engine 5

Wanting to know what is the fastest way to learn UE5 bluprints fast as it does take a long time

I would recommend just keep working tutorials.

is there a even faster way

hi,i suggest choose a programming lenguage to learn first.practicing with basic programming building blocks,if else,switch,for loop,variables,relationship between class and object,these are basic building blocks.UE has a lot of nodes that are not basic building blocks but are handy tools made by epic,if you know nothing about programming ,you might try to force yourself to remember all nodes,that’s the wrong way! at least take some time specificly learning a lenguage,could be any one.you don’t have to 100% understand it.when you enter a state where you feel that “i seem to know it but not really”,that’s when you shoud go to take blueprint tutorials.

i remember how i get started.those "beginner tutorials"are not for real beginner. they says blueprint doesn’t need coding,they lie to you.i remember how a beginner tutoral assumed me know what a variable is.i really didnt know what that is. after wasting alot time struggling.i decided to learn C#. only with 2 month, i back to Blueprint,felt that was so easy.

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