What is the exact standard of Root Motion?

I am a person who sells motion assets.

I would ask people who buy motion.

Someone is using the motion I made very well,
Some people say that my motions are difficult to use.

Whose standards should I meet?
I want to know the exact criteria.

Do you think my Root Motion standards are different from everyone else?

I’m trying to create a general-purpose motion, not a motion specially made for someone. That’s why I encourage buyers to check samples before purchasing.

I don’t know where to tune in.

If there is an exact standard, please let me know.

Product link —>

If you feel like it’s junk that’s very difficult to use, if there’s an underlying problem I can’t fix, please ask me for a refund rather than a malicious review.

Thanks for reading.

you ought to link to your products I suppose.

if you are not including an in place version of each animation you should probably do that - i believe it is more common to still use in place animations for games rather than root motion (assuming your animations are for games).

Other than that, hard to say what would make an animation “hard to use”. I mean it either looks good and loops properly or not.

Thanks for the reply.

Product link —> Frank Pack

the two prominent negative reviews both mention that there are not enough animations to make a complete controller.

like missing transitions.

Dunno if that was advertised or not but I guess people see it as an issue. I guess people buying an animation pack won’t be able to make their own to fill in the gaps, and if you have modified the skeleton from the default epic one, they won’t easily be able to retarget animations from other packs.

If you had to add some bones to the skeleton to support a weapon, consider instead using a socket in unreal. in maya or whatever authoring software you use for the animations, you can use a constraint as a stand-in for socket if you need to see the weapon while creating the animation.

Also something like a transition from jump to run kinda has to fit the exact animations.

I might say that if you cannot make a full third person controller that utilizes all of the major animations you have included, then make sure whatver missing transitions are needed get made and added.

Frank I have several of your packs. I love your work.

I just bought the Whip Female set, of course the animations are good but it’s missing a few things

I think you are missing a couple of basic animations that I always expect to find:
-There is no rotation animation in place
-No Star or End animations from/to idle
-There are no breaks in idle, two is a standar
-No Look around aimoffsets

Those of Die and Hit there are many but they are not by location
I also think some attack and guard animations for the upper body that would work from the locomotion animations would be nice.
There are also some left over
The unequip ones, both the idle and the run, don’t make sense if all the other animations are not there, I think you could make a complete female unequip set and sell it separately

Name convections: Names and folders are a bit weird in my opinion

Retargeting: The Mannequin_Female and the folder with all the animations add a lot of confusion, it would be better to add the IK retarget files

About root motion
Few people use root motion for locomotion but those who use it are very fanatical and always give bad reviews.
One option is that in unreal you can disable root motion with tick, so the animations can go with root motion and those of us who don’t use them can disable it from unreal.

Suggestion for new animation sets
It would be good if you looked at the example of Lyra so that it was 100% compatible, for those who do not use the Lyra system, both the ALS sect and the custom ones, the animations would also be worth it.