As far as i know UE4 doesnt support Client-Only applications, so i am confused why is there “Shipping Client” and “Shipping Server”?
I asked this question many times, but no one can answer this High-Level question… How can i build my own game if i dont even understand how UE4 build works…
I compiled my project with “Development Client” and function IsRunningClientOnly() still return FALSE!!! and IsRunningGame() == TRUE!!! Wtf? How is that possible???
Ok, i found the following…
Shipping Client and Shipping Server is used for entire solution, but technically Client and Server build config has only UE4 project, while user project has only Editor and Game build modes.
So Client and Server affect only for UE4 internal code, not for user project. So, user code doesnt care build config. But if i want to make UE4 engine libs with Client-Only support, i need to use Client build. If i need to make UE4 engine libs with Dedicated Server support, i need to use Server build.
All programs have Program build, instead of Game or Editor.