What is the difference between Get Unit Direction (Vector) and Normalize Vector

What is the main difference between those two? from my testing they seem to do the same thing (calculate a direction?)
also what exactly does Tolerance do in the Normalize node?

GetUnitDirectonVector gives you a 1 unit length vector right off the bat. NormalizeVector takes a vector which is not 1 unit in length and makes it 1 unit long. So totally different thing :slight_smile:

If you try and normalize a very small vector, the node may return zero if it thinks the length is too small to safely normalize. I think the tolerance is to do with that, but you usually don’t need to worry about it.

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Hey ClockworkOcean, thank you for the answer. Do you have an example where I could use each?

I found out that actually both of them normalize a vector, see the next images.