Add to Player Screen is mainly used for split-screen games where you only want to apply the UI over a specific players screen.
This is valuable in a split screen game where you need to only show a widget over a player’s portion of the viewport.
Add To Player Screen
That doesn t seem to be working. I have split my screens into two and use the add to player screen and still it doesnt add it to anything but theoverall screen. Any tutorials on this? Thanks!
To anyone who having an issue like this where your widget isn’t showing up (or is showing up out of position) when you add it to another players screen in splitscreen… try using the anchors in the widget blueprint to make your UI elements stick to the relevant viewing area (if your element is supposed to be in the top left quadrant of the screen, set it’s anchor it to the top left corner using the “Anchors” option in the details panel for the element). What I think is happening is that the elements default to anchor from the center and their relative X and Y values in that configuration often times don’t adapt well when the viewport gets cut in half and offset. I’m not an unreal pro and your issue may have a different cause but that threw me for a loop initially.