Hi, I’m now working on a plugin project which needs to use a prebuilt library (.so) when running.
After research I’ve found these two posts:
[Add category to intent-filter into AndroidManifest.xml - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums][2]
Now I know in the newer version Unreal Engine (newer than 4.10), there’s an amazing system called Android Plugin Language, which is very useful and convenient to package .so files and .jar libraries into APK.
But I have to support version 4.8 now, it seems in version 4.8, APL.XML mechanism cannot work. and when I try to refresh project files from the Editor, I got error in the myplugin.Build.cs file complaining this line:
AdditionalPropertiesForReceipt.Add(new ReceiptProperty("AndroidPlugin", Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "GearVRCustom_APL.xml")));
error CS0103: the name AdditionalPropertiesForReceipt does not exist in the current context
So, here’s my question: what’s the correct way to package the library file when using engine before version 4.10 (4.8 in my case)?
What is correct and present method of packaging a prebuilt shared library (.so) for Android - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums
[2]: Add category to intent-filter into AndroidManifest.xml - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums