What is the blueprint node method for setting the position and size of the panel?

There is no direct method to put widget at [x,y] coordinates on screen. Every widget knows coordinates only in box it occupies. You would need to ask parent of parent until you get to hud layer. Then recalculate everything back to know where set widget in local space of parent of parent of parent etc.

However i do not get what is your question (and setup) really. Is this widget used directly in hud, or inside another widgets?

This widget (with canvas panel) will always snap to hud (whole screen) or whatever parent widget is set for.

You have some stuff collapsed inside overlays. Make separate widgets for what is inside of overlays. Put that in size box + scale box + overlay. Instead of overlays you should have 5 widgets (that you can scale and set sizes.

Then for this layout make:

  • horizontal box,
  • inside horizontal box make vertical box | spacer | vertical box
  • fill both vertical boxes
  • then set margins to space all segments

This way everything will automatically adjust to different dimensions and resolutions.

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