What is the best way to make muiltiple game areas?

I am creating a turn based multiplayer game. In this players can choose to ‘fracture time.’ This essentially creates two areas that are identical to each other minus if a unit hit or missed. I am unsure how to implement this. I have thought of a few options but not sure any are correct and defiantly not sure what one might be best. Options I have so far:
Create a play area manager BP that spawns all static meshes and effects for the play area in an new unseen area
Create all the possible areas in the editor and control what ones are available to the players

Each play area will consists of a large static mesh for the ground, small static meshes for the environment, nav mesh, lighting, sound, effects. And probably some more I am forgetting.

To me this seems like a lot to spawn at runtime, on the flip side it also seems like a lot to have just sitting in the level that the player does not see. Any advice on this issue would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. Cheers.

this sounds like sort of a bayonetta type thing? a little hard to understand from the description. I think youve got it right though, i would just have one blueprint that sets particular blueprints to be active/visible when you switch areas. If that is too taxing on the framerate, you could duplicate everything in the level and teleport your player between the two areas when he switches.