What is the best way to load .umap dynamically

hello all epic friend,
i was new in UE4 i just wanted to know if any of you know how to dynamcially load .umap for a game. thx


Not sure if that is what you are looking for but you can use UWorld::ServerTravel() to load a different map during runtime.


i already tried to use UGameplayStatics::LoadStreamLevel but it can’t load a lot of level at one time ( in my game, the map was separated in level and we can travel across the map freely, and only load map that around the player). UGameplaystatic::LoadstreamLevel can only load level one at a time. and based on tutorial in this forum that set the Flatenconteninfo.execution function. i set my execution function to itself. it works!! but i think it a little bit hacky, and also it not work when i called in Tick()( i already add a boolean and anything… it’s a mess). so now i search for much cleaner method . but thanks for the answer i will try that too :smiley: