Today i have a question on how to best, end/stop an object blueprint that tells my object how to move in game.
Will the object be deselected at the end of this?(that is my goal ultimately, for the object to move until object collision in the y, then end the blueprint upon deselection)
I don’t really understand what you want to achieve. Or maybe i don’t understand what your setup is about. You want to move a box until it hits something?
I guess you can use a bool (can move) and a branch. If you hit something, set the bool of you box to false in the BeginOverlap function and to true on the EndOverlap function.
Or use a simple box collider and set it to collide with your environment.
:X If you could show me the actual game (screenshots / video), i can try to help you better.
I would like to have the object stop movement on contact with the end wall or on become deselected. As of now, it slides at end of wall upon reaching it i does not go through. But when i move it in any direction and have it come in contact with either an object or wall, it bounces off on contact instead of recognizing it cannot go any further and just not moving.
I went through and tried the bool variable as suggested, and the result i got was ineffective. I Created the bool an set it as the condition to choosing either -1 or zero to be multiplied by the move speed and delta time. Begin/End overlap what exactly? Video reference 2 - YouTube (reference vid)