What is the best way to create an enemy Actor?


I’m trying to create a third person fantasy game. I am trying to create enemies that deal melee damage. I’ve been looking for c++ tutorial guides to help me, but I have had no luck in finding one.

What I’m asking is what would be the best way to go about creating them? Can (or should I) do everything in c++ or would blueprints be the best solution? I am also trying to learn c++ as I do this so I would love to tackle as much programming as possible. If you are able, would anyone be able to list the steps that I would need to take to create a simple enemy with AI, attack, health, etc. or would be able to link resources/tutorials that I am able to follow?

Thank you so much in advance!!

I personally would recommend you do a 50/50 where you use blueprints starting out and then as you go and are learning how to C++, you replace the critical things that will speed things up. Without a doubt c++ is faster than blueprints when it comes to execution speed i believe. I have read things about logic taking so 3+ ms in blueprints and that same thing taking 0.09 ms in c++ in just 1 post i had come across. For simple things like AI and variables though, this is super easy to do in blueprints and i dont think really makes a massive difference in c++ vs blueprint (but dont hold me to that, i dont know a shred of c++). I have been developing my game solo for the last 2 and a half years and its 95% blueprints and 5% c++ from other peoples plugins/addons that i have purchased. This is why i say you can go a 50/50 route. Do everything you can with blueprints to start as its super simple to learn and use, then if you notice performance issues as you go, try to find out how to replace a system you have by turning it into c++. Critical things like ai spawning/despawning when near a player for best optimization i have it as a c++ plugin, just as an example. My behavior tree’s are still blueprint but im sure they would be much more efficient in c++ if i knew how lol.

You might be taking too much on your plate if you’re trying to develop a game, learn c++ and code in c++ for that game as well. You’re gonna kill your motivation to want to work on it if you take on too much at once. I recommend starting with Blueprints for now with dabbling in C++ as you go.

I appreciate the insight! Yeah, I’ve always been one to take on a lot at one time. I should have clarified, that when I say that I’m learning c++, I meant like the logic part of it. I attended a coding bootcamp for web development so learning c++ syntax/fundamentals was easier. The part that I’m struggling with is the implementation/logic part of it. That is why I am trying to do most of my games in c++ so I have more applicable experience.
I see your point though, which I definitely want to implement Blueprints as well so in reality, I have to use more of those too lol.