I created this hallway and I would like to use some of the in-editor tools for modeling and increasing the vertex density of this piece of wall.
What are the options to do it correctly in Unreal 5?
What I have learned so far is that editing one mesh instance would affect every other instance. So the only way I found to get around that is to manually clone the asset.
Then I explored the modeling mode and I found various methods.
Are there any modeling tools that allow to automatically create a new mesh clone (not instance) to do detail work on a specific mesh or do I have to clone the asset every time?
I have tried “duplicate” in “xform”. However I am not sure what this even does differently from just copying an instance.
I have then attempted to use cubegrid. This appears to create completely new assets. However how to use it if the model I want to add more detail to does not fit on an existing grid?
Vertex Density
If I wanted to increase the vertex density, is there a way to do it for a mesh in unreal without smoothing the mesh? I found subdivide in “model”, however this creates a very smooth shape.