What is RHI?

How to translate RHI?
What is it?

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Every your answering activity increases my loyalty to Unreal Engine :smiley:

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RHI = Rendering Hardware Interface. It’s the C++ interface which the high-level platform-independent rendering code in Unreal Engine 4 uses to communicate with the several platform-dependent implementations that exist for Direct3D, OpenGL, etc.


I had exactly same question while I was reading code now I got it.

Unreal has an abstraction layer (called RHI) above these platform-dependent apis, so it is able to use dx11 (soon dx12/) on windows, opengl (soon ) on linux, metal on mac, etc

there already dx12 and , infact you need to use those to support raytracing features, note that in single platfrom you can have multiple RHI