What is RenderVelocities in GPU profile

5.7% 1.18ms RenderVelocities 160 draws 231774 prims 657568 verts

What does this do? And more importantly, can it be turned off?

Thanks in advance.

This renders the velocity map used as part of the motion blur.

If you turn of motion blur you should be able to get rid of it.

That is what I thought it was, but turning motionblur off both in project settings and in commandline does not eliminate this.

It’s also used for temporal-aa I believe, do you use that as well?

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Yes, thanks. I just figured this out. It is actually possible to control a size threshold what goes into it under the motion blur setting. But doing so, makes the temporal AA look not so good. So I will not turn it off after all :slight_smile: