I also wanna know! I found that when i have one blueprint class, and try to find it via TObjectIterator, i get 2 entries where i expect only 1.
One of the 2 entries is i.e. Widget_C and the other is SKEL_Widget_C.
It seems that there is a dummy object.
What is this about?
Why is the name containing SKEL?
What does it mean?
Please know that chinaztfs comment was posted 7 hrs ago (It was in first post moderation) - so KristofMorvas answer (2 hrs ago) may be timely and relevant.
Interesting to have 2 new comments at same time on a 2 year old thread!
Oops, sorry, I might have answered to the wrong comment, I wanted to reply to the most recent one (chinaztf’s comment moved the question to the top of the answer hub list I guess)