What is invalidating my build?

For the sake of accelerating my builds for unit testing, I am restoring stored files from the previous build. Unfortunately doing so does not seem to reduce my build times at all. Something seems to not recognize the previous files, and the entire project ends up recompiling. I am not sure what’s missing at this stage.

Here is the Rclone command I use to restore the previous build:

rclone copy source target --progress --include /**/Intermediate/** --include /**/DerivedDataCache/** --include /**/Build/** --include /**/Binaries/**

Running a diff after the copy returns the following differences between the folder that builds instantly and the one that does not:

The build command I use is as follow:

<project_path>\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe" Editor Win64 Development <project_path>\<project_name>\<project_name>.uproject" -waitmutex -NoHotReload

It would be super helpful if someone could help me figure out if UnrealBuildTool can display more information about what invalidates previous builds, or alternatively if I am forgetting to synchronize some important files.

Thanks in advance.