I am configuring a car and a truck for my project. I understand the physics behind the working of a vehicle. One thing that I cannot understand is the Clutch Strength. In VehicleMovementComponent, there is an option to set this. While doing configurations in VehicleMovement Component in the Blueprint (derived from WheeledVehicle class and having VehicleMovement component), the tool tip of Clutch Strength says “Strength of clutch Kgm^2/s”. This simply means that Clutch Strength has S.I unit of Kgm^2/s. I have searched the Internet but can’t find this thing.
I want to know the meaning of this S.I Unit Kgm^2/s. And how clutch strength can affect the vehicle.
Please help me understand this. Any pointers to the articles or related material will also be appreciated.
you can find more information in the Physx SDK documentation
The clutch strenght parameter , lets call it K, multiplies the wheel speeds - the engine speed, in order to calculate the resulting torque at the clutch.
//torque at clutch:
//tc = K*{G*[alpha0*w0 + alpha1*w1 + alpha2*w2 + ..... alpha(N-1)*w(N-1)] - wEng}
//(i) G is the gearing ratio,
//(ii) alphai is the fractional contribution of the ith wheel to the average wheel speed at the clutch (alpha(i) is zero for undriven wheels)
//(iii) wi is the angular speed of the ith wheel
//(iv) K is the clutch strength
//(v) wEng is the angular speed of the engine
see the physx source code PxVehicleUpdate.cpp
at line 3847
With higher values, more torque will be transferred to the wheel
if K–> inf ==> tc/K–>0 ==> engine_speed = GearRatio*( weighted sum of wheels speeds) . this means no losses in the transmission due to the clutch
Did you find any solution regarding this? Thanks.