What is causing the jumpyness/stuttering when moving in place

I have root motion on aswell

Hey @Xer0z_ue!

I’m thinking it’s a delayed start on the RInterp To, it looks like it’s getting further with it’s turn than the last registered start frame so it’s doing a snap back to the last time it recorded rotation.

Try it like this and see if it still does it (It should just ALWAYS point immediately no smoothing).

If this works you’ll likely need to put in a clamp for speed (with a curve) setting the new rotation.

Hope this helps!

hmm my issue is still persistant even after removing my rinterp to

What does it look like without it?

Also I notice there’s an FInterpTo that isn’t hooked up- are you actually using that? It shouldn’t gradually shift unless there’s an Interp node, so if it’s still gradually shifting we need to look into where and why that’s happening.

this is what it looks like removed it also looks less smooth when the character is rotating aswell

Okay, that’s good. You’ll re-enable that once the jitter is gone.

It seems like it’s happening on a timer, possibly when the animation loops.

Try setting the ABP on this player’s blueprint to nothing (so it’ll t-pose) then spin it. If it STILL jitters, we know it’s nothing to do with animation.

This is one of those problems where you have to figure out what’s actually going on before you can try to fix it. But hey, progress is progress and we’ve already managed to count out any interpolation issues, so that’s good!

Yeah, it doesn’t do it whenever I turned off my ABP, so I do think it is something attached to the animation, just not sure what. @Mind-Brain

Had some time to think about it, and knowing that it’s something in the animation… I think you need to turn OFF root motion for your turning animations! That, or adjust the settings of the root motion. Because what’s happening is it’s not snapping rotation, it’s starting the next animation for “Turn Left” or “Turn Right” and starting offset to finish the turn correctly!