What is advice you can give making a Zombie Game in Fortnite?

I’m curious as to what is possible in a Zombie Game mode, and curious if anyone has advice.

its only beta right now can only do what fn has in files. unless you know how to program in verse but im just learning myself

Zombie games can be fun or scary! What makes them interesting all derives in the way you structure your game. When making a zombie game in Fortnite, here are few things to consider when you start planning:

• Will your game be story driven?
• Will it be a survival themed map?
• What experience do you want your players to have when playing?
• Will you have boss fights or special battles?

So it all boils down to how you plan the game to be. Once you arrive at base to build upon, you can create interesting zombie game modes with unique experiences!

Featured Tutorials by BLZE.DRAGON

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This doesn’t give me an idea how to make a Zombie Game Mode.

Going forward, here are a few tutorials that you can review:

Design a Creature(Zombie) Rush Game by Epic.

It shows you how to create a zombie wave system, and takes you through all the devices you need. The template is available in the Fortnite Creative Templates Tab and takes you through an entire walkthrough. You can use this as a building block to create more intricate gameplay!

I hope this helps you further in creating your game!

Happy Creating!

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