I have not found many tutorials about it. Ive never really touched it till now. I need to create a camera manager but apparently I need to link it to a player controller? So i made one and then made a camera manager. But how do I link it to my player character? Then after that how do you link the camera manager to the camera in the character?
Player controllers are objects/interfaces that possess functionality to control pawns.While a pawn can be accessed within itself to control it, you may want to get used to using a player controller that you program to control a pawn. That way, you can have a player controller that can manipulate multiple pawns, as they are spawned in, used, and destroyed.
Cameras can be contained within multiply types of objects, if it’s a pawn or what not. Think of each object being separate that can communicate with each other.
I just searched youtube for “using player controller unreal” and came up with many videos, as well as UE4 / Unreal Engine 4 Make a Game - #02 Player & Camera - YouTube for a simple camera sample.
Double post: