There seem to be several that are either outdated or don’t seem to work (Despite me religiously checking that the blueprints I have and the tutorial’s are identical down to the various values). Currently I just need bots to either avoid the player, run towards the player or away from each other, nothing complicated.
Tesla Dev (Basic AI Navigation) and Peter L Newton (Unreal Engine 4 AI Behavior Tree & NavMesh have some good AI Tutorials.
You can also look at some of the resources on the wiki: Create An AI Bot in Blueprint
Thanks. I ask because the tutorial here always fails to work outright. It just looks like the behaviour tree stalls on the black board of the selector and the second blackboard of the sequence. I’m 90% sure everything is set correctly as it instructed. It is quite irritating I will admit.
has made some really great AI tutorials that are easy to follow, check his YT channel as well:
Yeah, it’s been very helpful. The only problem with it is that I can’t get sounds to play (But I am not fussed about that) and I can’t seem to make the bot ‘forget’ about the player pawn as soon as LoS is broken, only a few seconds after does it stop automatically seek the player. That and I need to produce the opposite effect anyway; have the bot run -away- from the player if the player enters LoS.
I assume this is done by producing a number of target points, and have the bot run to the one with the furthest distance on the map if it sees the player. Later on I need a second bot that will chase the first one but also run away if it sees the player, but baby steps, eh?
There was a fix for sound since then, as it was an issue with the Engine.
Here’s what I did to get it to work: