We created a “Game” for our school project and we had our defense/presentation for it last week. Our Panels, three professors/instructors from our school who will ask questions about our topic.
Our game titled, “3DisSim: A 3D Disaster Simulator for Fire, Earthquake and Flood”, a first person perspective game that puts users/players into a virtual simulation room that simulates a certain disaster of choice from a player, having the main goal of surviving that certain disaster.
One of our targets are for teenagers who doesn’t know the basics of surviving a disaster. For example, when put on a scenario of fire, the room will be clouded by smoke, therefore, the player must crouch down or go prone to avoid the inhalation of smoke, then looks for fire exit signs in the room and avoid routes that is on fire. We plan to open source it and release it for free, so everyone can play it and anyone can modify it to their own liking.
But my question will not be about our thesis but rather, I want to ask what is a game? Our Panels, who all have no experience in game development or actually are not avid gamers who haven’t seen a first person perspective game, asks, how can we call our project as a game?
I would do so hope for the Unreal Engine 4 Staff, professionals within this field, to answer the question, “What is a game?”, what makes something to be considered a video game?
Even though I direct this to the UE4 Staff, I encourage anyone to give their opinions on the matter.
By the way, if our project was to be categorized in a field, it would be in “simulation video game”.
Also, sorry if my English grammar isn’t perfect. English isn’t my native language.
You can classify a game as an interactive movie, where you are the main character.
You can classify your game the same way educational movies are classified. Say this disaster would be a short film showing you what to do, it is still called a movie. And thus you can categorize your simulator the same way. It is like a movie where you are the main character. It is not for fun but educational. Therefore I still call it a game because you are controlling the main character.
Normally, if I was asked this question, my answer would be it doesn’t matter. I would say it doesn’t matter because the word “game” is just a word, and generally its silly to try to make some sort of arbitrary line where you divide things into games and not games. There is no line in the sand. Its like if you take the color blue, and start adding green to it. When does it become green? Is there an exact moment? No! That’s absurd. There’s not an exact moment when it becomes blue-green or green-blue either. Same with a game. When you start taking away, or lessening features that make it traditionally “game-like”, when is it no longer a game?
BUT, I said NORMALLY. In this case, you seem to be concerned about what some professors think, so its a bit different. So a have a variety of solutions for you to consider. I suggest maybe using more then one:
You said:
So my first suggestion is go in with confidence. You are the gaming expert here, they don’t know about games. You say its a game. Point out a similar educational game and say your game is partially inspired by this. If they aren’t gamers, they shouldn’t question this. Does that make sense? Just think OBVIOUSLY it’s a game. The main warning I have is I don’t know what directions you were given, so i don’t know if something in those directions narrows what type of game you can make. Is there a particular reason why you think they might complain that your game isn’t gamey enough?
Make a list of every feature in your game that seems game-like in the traditional sense and keep that list on hand if you need to defend your game.
---- You use a controller to move a character, you have objectives you are trying to complete and obstacles you must overcome. Your game is designed to be fun at least somewhat I assume. These are all normal features of a game. If I had your project, and someone questioned whether or not it was a game, honestly, I would be ******, because that’s stupid. The exception here is if the purpose or requirements of the assignment was something specific that your game does not meet.
Find similar game out there online that are also educational, and mention them in your presentation. There are many educational games out there. By doing this it could subtle legitimize your game as a game, and sidestep any questioning altogether.
Add some simple features to your game to make it more gamey. For each scenario have a high score list, for example. Have achievements that can be unlocked. Add something simple that wont take you much time, but will make it feel more game like.
If you are really concerned, ask one of the professors on the panel. Narrow down a description of your game to relevant info about your game and your concern of its an acceptable topic. Sum it up in a paragraph or two, and point out a couple of its features that are gamelike, and ask the professor if this is a problem, or if it needs to fit into a smaller ox of acceptable “game” definitions.
Ok so that’s my thoughts on the subject. Hopefully I was of some help!
A “game” is much different then a “video game.” A game is usually any kind of competitive recreational activity but a video game I believe is defined as any kind of human interaction using a visual display screen. They can be competitive or relaxing. A lot have a story you play through like reading a book. There’s so many types of video games out there that its definition has to be very broad.
For me the definition is not so easy.
There are competive games and fun games for me.
A fun game could be a small part of a game, where you have extremly fun to play it and get distracted by it.
Horsemines in MG for example.
When you have a game, where you have to hug butterflies, it’s a game, but when you could smash them with a hammer into atomic pieces, it could be fun too.
Football is a game, but give them a contactimerbased mine to play with, then it’s more fun to watch.
Catch the clown is a game, but it’s boring for me. But when you could poke out the clown an eye out with a spoon it could be fun to catch him.
To come back to your firestufflearningsimulation. When you make it as survival game, where you put in standard game situations.
Health/smoke/visuals effects/breathing/stamina.
Mix it with fun elements or apply bad pressure on the player, your choice.
Could be horrorgamefeeling, but not easy to archieve.
But then for sure it is a game.
Could you share a link?
I worked in the past together with some serious coders and they had for me a very strange sense of humor. Sometimes when they developed functions, they where so difficult to understand, that you have to read a book, before you understand <15%.
Let ppl play your game. Listen to their feedback. Record their statements, they are goldworth.
When you have to stand by and explain everything, then you should change gameplay, based on a learning curve.
When you want to hold it realistic things will be very hard.
In 2D as sidesroller, that would be much more easy.
Game/simulation is the same for me.
Holy cow i get to easy distracted. I have to whip my naked feets 25 times now, to get back on track.
I bet >75% of what i wrote is completely offtopic.
Standard for me, but who cares…
Sid Mier once said “A game is a series of interesting choices.”.
Raph Koster would tell us that a game is a method for teaching patterns and is built out of atomic building blocks (ludemes) that allow interactivity and build up to that pattern.
I would say they are both right and fail to find ways to expand upon them that wouldn’t be very situational.
A game is art. Anything you would apply to art in terms of “is this art” applies to a game. So basically everything is art, and therefore everything is a game. Some games suck though. This current “MMO” I am playing passes by in real time, I spend most of it sleeping and eating and doing chores / going to work… and I know I’m just gonna die at the end! Worst game ever!
Hey guys, sorry for the late reply, we were kinda busy doing updates to the game. Thanks for all the answers!!
If anyone can still add their input, I would encourage you to do so!
It’s amazing how this community responds! Thanks all!