I’m having trouble separating the completely destroyed pieces of my geometry collection from the pieces that have cracked and are just stuck in place. However, the Geometry Collection component has events that seem to categorize these two. And there’s even a boolean value set to notify you of this event occurring.
The problem is that this event doesn’t work in any way, there’s no documentation, and no one is using it.
How do I use this?
the Crumbling event relates to the Cluster Crumbling features
In blueprint for example you can ask a cluster / geometry collection to fully crumble ( CrumbleCluster or CrumbleActiveClusters functions on the GeometryCollectionComponent )
What this does is breaking all the children of the cluster from their parent
Crumbling can also happen if you use the Remove On break feature
This feature allows you to decide how fast a piece disappear/shrink after it get “broken off”
( You can configure this in the Utility section , Remove On break tool of the Fracture editor tool )
If you want to know if something broke in an event, you can simply use a break event
it will be generated per piece broken
Hope this helps
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