Edit: Problem Solved:
I was not including the F in FWindowsPlatformMisc::, oops
Here’s a code sample for anyone who wants to use it:
FString TextToCopy = "Victory!!!!!!";
ClientMessage("Joyful Text Copied to ClipBoard!");
FString TextToPaste;
Dear Friends at Epic,
What #include do I need to use so I can utilize the WindowsPlatformMisc::ClipboardCopy(); Function?
or is there a global var like GEngine, something like GPlatform to enable use of these functions?
for your reference I mean these functions:
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
WindowsPlatformMisc.h: Windows platform misc functions
#pragma once
* Windows implementation of the misc OS functions
struct CORE_API FWindowsPlatformMisc : public FGenericPlatformMisc
static void PlatformPreInit();
static void PlatformInit();
static void PlatformPostInit();
static class GenericApplication* CreateApplication();
static void SetConsoleInterruptHandler();
static void GetEnvironmentVariable(const TCHAR* VariableName, TCHAR* Result, int32 ResultLength);
static TArray GetMacAddress();
static void SubmitErrorReport( const TCHAR* InErrorHist, EErrorReportMode::Type InMode );
FORCEINLINE static bool IsDebuggerPresent()
return !!::IsDebuggerPresent();
FORCEINLINE static void DebugBreak()
if (IsDebuggerPresent())
static void PumpMessages(bool bFromMainLoop);
static uint32 GetKeyMap( uint16* KeyCodes, FString* KeyNames, uint32 MaxMappings );
static void LocalPrint(const TCHAR *Message);
static void RequestExit(bool Force);
static const TCHAR* GetSystemErrorMessage(TCHAR* OutBuffer, int32 BufferCount, int32 Error);
static void ClipboardCopy(const TCHAR* Str);
static void ClipboardPaste(class FString& Dest);