Making a new map…following EVERYTHING everyone told me on here
map works great. Start making sublevels for foliage…**** gets wacky
WHY when I add the level, start making trees…WHY when I save and reopen the level am I warped to the middle of the ocean…MILES away from the island.
WHY when I try to add something new does the entire ****ing Forrest move to the ocean where I started.
WHY…its X.Y.Z points are all 0.
and why when I place player starts on my main level do they move…all by themselves when I reopen the level.
HAHAHAH yeah its only been like 2 weeks…prior to that the last time I used Unreal was Unreal 3 but I was a producer and before that…like ACTUALLY using the editor…Unreal Warfare engine.
Ok I figured out the falling thru the world issue.
when I enable World Composition in World Settings that’s when I start to fall thru the island no matter what the collision is set at. When I shut off Enable World Composition, I can walk around freely.
Hi, I had the issue of the levels shifting aswell, going into the world settings and turning off ‘Enable world origin rebasing’ stopped all issues I had, hope this works for you!
it did…I saw a post about 20 min ago after doing a search…so I also see where I messed up with searches on here I never saw that tiny "search this forum " box until today…I was searching the ENTIRE site…which is why I was so lost.
there is for SURE user error at least with me, that’s no doubt. but there is some screwy stuff going on here that makes no sense and lack of current / accurate documentation doesn’t help
Mainly that. I can agree, there is a big disconnect between the editor and what actually happens on the server. Usually, i find, that most the issues that pop-up for me are “explainable”. Things like the jungle clutter missing for me, but, not for most, but, some ppl have just jungle missing, its a texture issue. About 90% of what i ran into, or, what i see on there as “editor is broken” is not the editor itself. The entire game, and, several dozen maps, and, hundreds of mods were made with it … soooo …
not pointing the finger here, just saying that, yes there are disconnects and a couple things that dont function as they should, but, for the most part, it does work. Its a lack of UE4 knowledge really across the board. I always see “i have no clue what im doing, i just started using the editor 15 min ago” and then ppl complain that its not working. Most people go to school for this (or have been using the UE4 editor for a while now), i dont know why some ppl think they can learn it by osmosis … haha … again, thats not directed to YOU Tkat, but, scroll around the forums and you will see almost all posts are that kind of start.
noo I understand… honestly you’d think someone who has been doing this for a while (granted as a producer mostly) would understand its a learning process. The big things that I dunno i need to read up on. its the dumb things that are happening that I can’t usually find documentation on and a lot of it has to do with seeing what I build on a server as opposed to preview…which is just that, a preview. A good example is spawn points that were working a minute ago, have not been changed and then suddenly just stop.
If there was up to date documentation and it was in one spot and organized for the new users and intermediate / pro users that would be awesome, but its not. its all over the place, there are at least 6 different versions i believe I’ve seen just to make a starting map.
The frustration for me is… .I get going and actually start to get into a groove on how this works and then something that is undocumented happens and I panic trolling the forum looking for an answer and PM’ing you like a mad man LOL
hahaha - it’s fine. Yeah, it would be nice if there was a person that would deal with Mods/Maps and the format for guides and sticky them … the working ones, not the crappy ones that are half completed with information i have been filling in due to lazyness cough … /evileye @ “someone”
Anyways, yeah would be nice to have what little stuff people have in one place, and, its not getting lost in 700 pages of “broken” and “how do i ask a question that 700 other people have asked 10 min ago” posts. ROFL
Honestly, a smart thing (smart /= WCS) to do would be to split the forums into MAPS and MODS because they are 2 totally different processes and methods. So, a lot gets lost when 5 users are trying to make the game into pokemon and instead of updating posts, they make new ones with 1 word questions. Scroll down the list for the “common issue” post … sigh
Remember when they said they hired someone for that? ROFL. Good times.
well I fixed most of my issues …some of them by trolling the forum, others by using common sense.
one thing is still remaining that I just do not get.
…well two actually…
sometimes spawn points that worked 5 min ago…just stop working. Can’t figure out why as nothing has changed and NONE of the boxes are under the ground levels.
I can’t for the life of me turn the shadows off on the clouds in the editor…so I have to get at really odd angles just to see what’s going on on the map LOL…its funny…but its making me a bit crazy.
I am hoping to solve this on my own…but if someone can point me in the right direction, it would make it easier to resolve.